Let’s Talk About IT – Internet BOTS Changing the Purchasing Game?

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Ro-BOTS – Do you know what you’re up against?

Let’s Talk About IT

Remember the good old days when a new “thing” was coming to market that you had been waiting on? Something that you had been anticipating so badly, you were filled with anxiety until you got your hands on it? You were willing to stand in line and wait for whatever it may have been, but standing in that line was not an issue because in the end you knew it would all be worth the wait. Fast forward a couple of decades and here we are. In a new era. Today, waiting on the next technology may very well feel the same, but more often than not shoppers are disappointed because they are left empty handed at retailers. Those same disappointed shoppers sometimes become determined to obtain what they want no matter the cost, and fortunately some will find what they need, but it may cost, a lot. Welcome to the age of the internet “BOT.”

As we look into the various hot items that are available for purchase, one in particular this season is seemingly “hotter” than others, the Playstation 5. Sony released the Playstation 5 just in time for the holiday season, prompting Playstation users around the world to want the upgraded console in time for the holidays, however many console seekers have noticed that the console is sold out at most major retailers. How is this possible? Why would Sony not produce enough of the product considering the anticipation for the console is considerably high as the last time Sony released a console was in 2013 with the Playstation 4? This was actually not the fault of Sony at all, this happens to be a new shopping competitor, the internet BOT.

Technology, it can make you smile or it can steal your joy!

Internet BOT’s have existed for quite some time, but they are making a more broad appearance because more people understand how they work and are implementing them. An internet BOT, or robot, is a software application that runs automated tasks over the internet with speeds in which a human cannot compete. These tasks are repetitive and simple, however a human could not process the amount of information that a BOT can process within the same timeframe. What does that mean for normal shoppers?

You are looking for that Playstation 5, you know that the starting retail price is $399, but you cannot find it in your major retailers inventory so you start looking elsewhere, in applications or websites where normal people are selling their property. You finally found it! Yay! Well maybe its not a “yay moment” at all because you did find what you wanted, but the cost is not $399, in fact it’s doubled or in some cases tripled! And, you still purchase it knowing that it is only worth $399. This is a cycle, and in most cases a legal cycle.

Consumers across the world are enticing “BOT” owners because they continue to purchase the hot ticket items, not matter the cost. Is it to say that you have the latest technology? Does it make them happy to know that they were one of the first people to own the item? The fact remains that whether you purchase the item from Sony itself or “Joe” from Ebay, the value of the Playstation 5 is still $399.

Unfortunately it is impossible to win the battle between yourself and a BOT, but that is not the end of the world. Sony strategically releases its new consoles around the holiday season to ensure that they hit revenue goals for the console sales, and they usually release the console at a higher price because of the holiday season. It can also be noted that Sony lowers the price post season, making it more affordable and attractive to buyers, but also keeping the momentum on their revenue goals.

If you can’t beat em, join em! Don’t feed into this growing industry of people taking advantage of people. If you must get your hands on the latest technology, here is our advice to you:

  1. Preorder! Most large technology manufacturers allow consumers to preorder their new highly anticipated products, almost like a guaranteed waitlist!
  2. Avoid purchasing newly released technology items on consumer selling sites, as they are almost always marked up.
  3. Only purchase new technology through major resellers and retailers to ensure you are paying list price.
  4. Understand that what is sold out will be replenished, and many times the price is much lower while you wait on the restock.
  5. Practice patience! If you can wait on the item, it is much smarter than paying upwards of 50% more than the item is worth.

Best of luck, happy hunting, and remember patience is key!

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Let’s Talk About IT

Syntech Group is an Inland Empire technology solutions provider focused on Outsourced IT Support, IT Security, Consulting, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Service, Managed IT Services, Backup Solutions, B2B IT product sales and professional services.