Let’s Talk About IT: Automation & Analytical Advancements

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Automation & Analytical Advancements

Let’s Talk About IT!

“Automation,” a task or procedure that can be completed with minimal human effort, but is heavily reliant upon a computer. Long ago, scientists feared computers as the thought was associated with taking over human responsibilities and replacing them with technology. One could say that scientists were not incorrect in their thinking, however embracing the abilities of computers and blending them with science has proven to be beneficial. Every aspect of our very existence has some form of automation in it, for example our kitchens have microwaves, our homes have heating and cooling systems, and our vehicles have driver-less driving options. Life as we know it encompasses many automated aspects, whether we realize it or not.

What exactly is analytics?

Analytics by definition are the systematic computational analysis of data. Analytics are used for all kinds of things, but they shine best when trying to discover, interpret and communicate patterns that are meaningful to a specific set of data that is collected over time.

Automation in Analytics

As our world continues to innovate, the sophistication of analytics increases as more capabilities are discovered. Automation provides business owners with the ability to focus on the components that require human involvement, such as the growth of the business. Advanced algorithms perform more accurate analytics than what a human can perform which can increase productivity levels across the board.

The three major advantages of automation in analytics:

1. Increased productivity – Humans are naturally prone to making mistakes and even the most perfect ones have imperfections. Computers, on the other hand, do not fall victim to exhaustion, which is why they complete tasks with minimum effort. Automating processes allows more time and energy to people, which in turn increases their productivity.

2. Maximum accuracy – No matter how hard we try, we cannot work as efficiently as computers do. Computers are fitted with algorithms that work tirelessly to produce results with zero errors. For an organization, this is a confidence booster.

3. More savings – What good is there in investing the time and the effort into something, but then ending up with a loss? The reason could be any, lack of concentration or errors in calculation. With an automated system, these issues are resolved. We are aware of the applicable statistics and can plan our investments respectively. The results? Better savings.

As much as continue to underestimate the benefits of automation, it is only making our life a lot easier than before. The more we allow ourselves to rely on the technology that computers provide, the more we can distribute and complete the tasks that can only be completed by human interaction, thus providing a healthy balance of responsibilities and tasks. Besides, who doesn’t care to have extra time to focus on personal hobbies? Or time to spend just not working? Analytics if applied properly can give you back what you may need the most and you may simply not realize it….. Time.

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Let’s Talk About IT

Syntech Group is an Inland Empire technology solutions provider focused on Outsourced IT Support, IT Security, Consulting, Disaster Recovery, Cloud Service, Managed IT Services, Backup Solutions, B2B IT product sales and professional services.